ITRC Public Community Documents

ITRC Tire Anti-degradant (6PPD) Document for External Review (Comments due on or before Friday, March 29, 2024) 

02-13-2024 12:05

Thank you for participating in the External Review of a comprehensive guidance document prepared by the ITRC Tire Anti-degradant (6PPD) Team! The review/comment period for this document starts Tuesday, February 13th and ends Friday, March 29, 2024.

There are two documents uploaded to this library:

  1. ITRC Tire Anti-degradant (6PPD) Draft Work Product for External Review – PDF file containing instructions for review (provided upfront), followed by the narrative text, tables, and references in this comprehensive guidance document
  2. ITRC Tire Anti-degradant (6PPD) Work Product Comment Spreadsheet Editable spreadsheet for capturing your comments electronically (see instructions in previous document)

Document Intent/Goal

The work products of the ITRC Tire Anti-degradant (6PPD) team have been prepared to provide baseline knowledge on the tire anti-degradant 6PPD and its degradation product of concern (6PPD-quinone or 6PPD-q) in terms of the following:

· background, history, and basis of concern
· physical properties, fate and transport, and sampling and analysis methods
· solutions to mitigate and manage the impacts on human health and the environment, and
· an overview of information gaps and data needs for continued research.

This information has been tailored to the needs of state program personnel tasked with making informed decisions regarding 6PPD-q as an emerging contaminant.  These documents are also intended to be useful to consultants interfacing with regulatory agencies regarding 6PPD and 6PPD-q. Additionally, these documents should be helpful to public stakeholders and tribes with needs to manage the impacts of these chemicals.


Please contact the Tire Anti-degradant (6PPD) Program Advisor (Steve Brauner; with any questions, comments, concerns, or technical challenges when accessing or commenting on these documents.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Tanya Williams, Team Leader (WA Ecology;
Kelly Grant, Team Leader (CA Department of Toxic Substances Control;
Steve Brauner, Program Advisor (Environmental Works Inc.,

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2 Files


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pdf file
ITRC Tire Anti-degradants (6PPD) Guidance for External Re....pdf   6.76 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-13-2024
xlsx file
ITRC-6PPD_Work Products Comments (External Draft - Feb 2024).xlsx   27 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-13-2024


02-14-2024 13:33


In last 24 hours, we've received two similar questions regarding "who" can serve as external reviewers.  Thanks for those questions, and the general answers are that:

  • You can share the document with anyone you choose, whether or not they are a member of this team or ITRC - that is the essence of the "External Review"!
  • The only "condition" for those receiving the document is that they refrain from citing or quoting the document until it is final (which is scheduled for September 2024).
  • We very much prefer comments to be submitted using the comment spreadsheet included with the link if at all possible. 
    • Using this format allows us to quickly compile the comments into one comprehensive spreadsheet that allows the authors to identify common themes and any places where comments might request changes that push the document in different directions.
  • We also prefer that all comments are submitted on or before Friday, March 29th. 
    • While we will attempt to address late comments, it presents schedule challenges to the overall project if we don't receive comments within the allotted 45-day review window.
  • If anyone reviewing the document has questions on the review process or intent, please put me in contact with them and we’ll get them pointed in the right direction!

Thanks for getting our team's guidance document out to a wide audience for External Review - it will make the end product even better than it already is! 


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